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Corporate Data Modelling Specification


BP Central Team


PODS & One Map Support for BP North Sea

Contract Award / Completion:




Contract Value:

Category A

Project Description:

PODS Data Modelling Standards

In order to improve data modelling consistancy across all BP regions and to improve data interoperability with the BP One Map geovisualisation tool, a corporate data modelling specification was required.  This specification is specific to the BP implementation of the Pipeline Open Data Standard (PODS) data model (BP PODS GB).  The specification was required to address the data modelling of onshore pipelines (export, transmission and gathering systems), offshore pipelines and subsea systems.

PDS Scope:

Pipeline Data Solutions was selected by BP to review their existing documentation and create a data modelling specification for a BP specific implementation of the PODS data model.  This specification covered all the key areas to ensure consistency of their pipeline data modelling across all regions. Some of the key areas covered were:

  • Roles and responsibilities.

  • Quality assurance and control.

  • Change management.

  • Documents and deliverables.

  • Data formats.

  • Data model handover.

  • Data modelling principles:

  • Geodetic control, stationing, units of measure and data model scope.

  • Modelling of pipelines, jumpers, bundled pipelines, umbilicals, flying leads and risers.

  • Sites and subsea structures.

  • Reference documents and reports.

  • Inspection data.

  • Risk assessment data.

Award Categories

A < $50,000         B < $100,000          C < $500,000          D < $1,000,000          E > $1,000,000

BP Upstream

BP Upstream (2016) YouTube video, added by BP [Online].
Available at [Accessed 25 August 2020].

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