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Central Expansion Project (CEP)


BP North Sea


PODS & One Map Support for BP North Sea

Contract Award / Completion:




Contract Value:

Category A

Project Description:

The Central Expansion Project (CEP) involved the installation of four jumpers, four Fly to Place (FTP) umbilical's and four Electrical Flying Leads (EFL) at the Schiehallion Central Drill Centre.  In addition grout bag stabilisation was carried out on the FTPs and EFLs.  The assets were all previously wet-stored to the North East of the Central Drill Centre. 

PDS Scope:

Pipeline Data Solutions was selected by BP to model these additional assets in a client specific implementation of the PODS data model, based on data supplied by third party engineering contractors design and construction data.

Award Categories

A < $50,000         B < $100,000          C < $500,000          D < $1,000,000          E > $1,000,000

BP's Quad 204 Project (Short Version)

BP's Quad 204 Project (Short Version) (2017) YouTube video, added by BP [Online].
Available at [Accessed 25 August 2020].

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