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The Digitalisation Challenge in the Oil and Gas Industry

The Digitalisation Challenge in the Oil and Gas Industry

Paper Type:

Conference Paper


Winning, H. K. (2019).  The Digitalisation Challenge in the Oil and Gas Industry.  ESRI European Petroleum User Group Conference.  London, UK.  29th – 30th October: ESRI.




Infield Data Modelling, Data Model Integration, Data Model Documentation


This paper looks at the digitalisation challenges in the oil and gas industry, specifically those arising in pipeline data modelling.

Drawing on extensive experience gained in the execution of several high profile and complex projects, the challenges throughout the data modelling phases are reviewed.

From a data modelling perspective, the scope is varied and complex, covering the creation, validation, remediation and maintenance of the data models.  The paper provides insight into how these challenges have been managed and mitigated.

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