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PODS – From Design to Operation

PODS – From Design to Operation

Paper Type:

Conference Paper


Winning, H. K. (2014).  PODS - From Design to Operation.  PODS User Conference, Houston, USA.  25th - 27th October.




CAD, Interoperability, GIS, PODS, Pipeline, Schema


While the use of PODS to maintain and manage existing pipeline assets is well acknowledged within the industry, the application of PODS to the design and pre-construction phases of the pipeline offer exciting areas for harnessing and developing the power of PODS and will lead to improved data within the final as-built model.

The challenges of using PODS during the design and pre-construction phases of the project are discussed and methods for the early integration of PODS into the project life cycle proposed. The proposed method enables the capture of essential design information into the data model through the integration of CAD and GIS software addressing data interoperability issues, while vendor data is added as it becomes available.

The method provides a simplified process for data gathering for vendors and installation contractors, leading to improved model build times and reducing the potential for incomplete records or invalid data types in the final model.

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